Lilium - 'Tiny Invader' Orange Asiatic Lily

One Sofa Three Ways Rustic Luxe


Welcome to Upscale Bargain, your one-stop destination for premium quality plants and garden accessories. We are delighted to present to you the Lilium 'Tiny Invader' Orange Asiatic Lily – a mesmerizing flower that will bring vibrancy and elegance to your outdoor space.


The 'Tiny Invader' Orange Asiatic Lily is a captivating lily variety known for its petite yet show-stopping blooms. With its bright orange petals and contrasting dark red speckles, this lily is a true statement piece that demands attention. Its striking coloration instantly adds warmth and vitality to any garden or floral arrangement.


Here are some key features of the 'Tiny Invader' Orange Asiatic Lily:

  • Color: Vivid orange with dark red speckles
  • Height: Reaches an average height of 24 inches
  • Blooming Season: Typically blooms from early summer to mid-fall
  • Flower Size: Delicate flowers with a diameter of approximately 4 inches
  • Growth Habit: Upright stems with strong foliage
  • Fragrance: Emit a subtle, sweet fragrance, perfect for creating an inviting ambiance

Cultivation and Care

Growing the 'Tiny Invader' Orange Asiatic Lily is a rewarding experience that requires minimal effort. Follow these care tips to ensure the healthy growth of your lilies:

1. Planting

Choose a well-draining location with full to partial sun exposure. Dig a hole deep enough to accommodate the lily bulb and place it with the pointed end facing upwards. Cover it with soil, gently firming it around the bulb to eliminate air pockets.

2. Watering

Keep the soil consistently moist but not waterlogged. Water deeply once or twice a week, allowing the excess water to drain away. Avoid overhead watering to prevent fungal diseases.

3. Fertilizing

Feed your lilies with a balanced slow-release fertilizer during the growing season. Follow the package instructions for optimal results. Avoid over-fertilizing, as it may lead to weak stems and excessive foliage growth.

4. Pruning

Remove faded flowers by cutting the stem just above a set of healthy leaves. This encourages the plant to redirect its energy into producing more blooms. Trim the foliage only after it turns yellow or brown, as it provides nutrients for future growth.

5. Winter Care

Most Asiatic lilies are hardy and can withstand winter temperatures. However, adding a layer of mulch around the base of the plant helps protect it from extreme cold. Mulching also helps retain moisture and suppress weed growth.

Why Choose the 'Tiny Invader' Orange Asiatic Lily?

The 'Tiny Invader' Orange Asiatic Lily offers numerous advantages that make it an excellent addition to your garden:

1. Stunning Visual Appeal

The vibrant orange color and dark red speckles make this lily a visual masterpiece. Its breathtaking blooms will impress your guests and create a captivating focal point in any outdoor setting.

2. Versatility

Whether you plant them in flower beds, borders, or containers, these striking lilies effortlessly blend with other plants and flowers. Their versatility allows you to create stunning combinations and design unique outdoor displays.

3. Low Maintenance

The 'Tiny Invader' Orange Asiatic Lily is known for its easy-care nature. Once established, it requires minimal attention, making it an ideal choice for beginner gardeners or those with limited time for maintenance.

4. Long Blooming Season

Enjoy the beauty of these lilies for an extended period. Their blooming season spans from early summer to mid-fall, ensuring continuous color and charm in your garden throughout the warmer months.

Enhance Your Garden with the 'Tiny Invader' Orange Asiatic Lily

Transform your outdoor space into a floral paradise with the enchanting 'Tiny Invader' Orange Asiatic Lily. Visit Upscale Bargain today to purchase this magnificent plant and elevate the aesthetic appeal of your garden. Our commitment to quality ensures that you receive only the finest specimens, allowing you to enjoy a truly captivating gardening experience. Don't miss out on this opportunity to make your garden truly extraordinary!


Kevin Buckner

Such a stunning flower! The Lilium 'Tiny Invader' Orange Asiatic Lily boasts vibrant colors and adds a touch of elegance to any garden. Love how it brings life and beauty to outdoor spaces. Definitely a must-have for plant enthusiasts!